Thursday, February 28, 2013

Will be back!

I know that I've ditch my bloggie for a long time since my last post.
but, stay tuned! 
I'll be back :)

Sunday, February 3, 2013

幸福歌 ♥

假使天使 前來問我幸福嗎
能誠實確定的說 我走過是極其幸福的一趟
得到工作 慈祥父母在我旁
良善密友在我旁 那麼快樂地成長

或我成熟了 人學會知足不再妄想
是愛情未滿 明白有時要耐心等半晌

未有人問暖 還是有冬衣給我去穿
夜半時悶了 還是有無數電影可以選

心很慶幸了 人生很精彩了
落雨也可一個避雨 有天戀愛了再給照料
月滿太好 可照亮我 幸福得不得了
月缺也好 可當為我一直笑

心很慶幸了 仍可聽到心跳
就算跌倒不會在意 有苦水送上最多喝掉
或會碰到 一個伴侶 和數千個幸福的一秒
就快拍到 心裡預設的合照
沒有拍到 只當命裡開玩笑 

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Gangnam style! xD

So! I'm back :D  trying to be an efficient blogger xD heh!

As everyone knows, Gangnam style has been a really great compact to the whole music industry. I think most of the people that uses internet knows this song and of course the singer. PSY! A not very good looking guy but he never give up his dream :) and after so many years in this music industry, he finally succeed! And after that, there's so many people did their own cover of this song. Without much words, I'd like to share a video of Jayesslee version of 'Gangnam style'. A pretty late cover of this song but great vocals and effort is much appreciated. One of the best cover :) Here you go peeps! Enjoy! 

Great isn't it? I love this version much! :) and here I want to share another great cover by Steph Micayle
A very nice one as well! :D
