I know I've been abandoning my blog long enough but I think it's time to pick it up again :p And as people know, Easter is a Christian festival and holiday celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ on the third day after His crucifixion at Calvary 2000 years ago. And today, after 2000 years, we're all ready to celebrate this memorable day :) So i woke up as early as 6am. And waking up early is killing me as usual, but whatever is it, I still managed to drag myself to Luther Centre for the earliest service ever xD and I thank God for the awesome weather. Now, let the pictures do all the talking ;)
Dull sky, but nice weather :)
Our bulletin of the week. He has risen!
On this memorable day, I'd also want to take this opportunity to congrats those who decide to get water baptism :)
The confirmation of Faith.

Liwen :)
Group picture. Okay, I've no idea where they're looking at. HAHA! too many cameras.
And finally, after the service, PHOTO SESSION!
Yours truly and the very sleepy Jermyn :p
Awesome guitarist :)
Jia Ying :) pretty pianist. (ignore my sleepy, pale, make-up free face)
Kenneth Lee, BFF ♥
Kenneth's bro :) Meet Er ge Kierren!
Pretty mama and the 2 lil cuties, Joel and Joash ♥
He's too cute, so yeah, close up of fatty Joash babyy ♥♥♥
Katrina and Joel :) the future couple xDDD
Daniel and Katrina :)
Last but not least. My youths, friends, companions, brothers and sisters in Christ :) Believe it or not, there's a reason everyone placed in our life. Some are there to show us how wonderful life is, while some of them are there to give you experiences of life. I'm glad I have you guys :D
From left, Liyen, Beverley, Liying, Kenneth, Jia Ying, Liwen, Yours truly and Andrew ♥
Oh yeah! Thanks to Cherlene, we took some polaroid pictures too! :) but I'll keep that to myself. heh!
I always wonder, if God could do so much for us despite of our sins, why can't we at least, TRY to forgive and love the people around us, despite the mistakes and hurtful things that they do to us? :) Because one of the last thing Jesus said while hanging from the cross were words of forgiveness.
Once again
Happy Easter everyone! ♥
Till then! xx
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