It had been so long since I last update my bloggie :(
urrggghhhh lazy enough!
Yes, I've become a super duper lazy bump ever since I finish my internship :( Boo me! haihh, I really should start to work for what I really want.
January already passed, shouldn't waste anymore time.
It is time for me to get up, move on and work all I can for myself and of course my loved ones!
Don't ask for the month to be good, in fact, we should all do our very best and tell others and most importantly ourselves that we've successfully make the month great! and we don't regret a thing! :)
All the best to everyone :) and of course myself!
By the way, I would like to wish my dearest friend/sister/bestie TAN PEI LING a very very very Happy Birthday! Finally 19 years old already, it was totally a pleasure to know you. No doubt, you were a great friend. I thank God and someone for bringing us and Crystal together! :) You guys never know how thankful I am for knowing you, even myself couldn't express my feeling :p Although it is the first year that I'm spending our birthday together, but I do believe that we have more & more years to go through together! :) No matter good or bad times, I'll be here. holding unto you and crystal, holding unto our very precious friendship! You two are truly a blessing to me! :) May God always bless you and may your life be filled with laughter and joy. Stay strong, stay young, stay pretty, stay positive, stay healthy! :)
Heaps of love! ♥♥♥
Here's a song for you :) enjoyyyyyy! :D
p/s: I promised to celebrate with you, I will keep my promise! :)