Saturday, December 22, 2012

Love won't run out =) ♥

22nd of December 2012, a day after 21st which many says that it's the end of the world is the third 100 days that we're together since the day we coupled =) It was a long long journey although it couldn't compare with any other couples which have been together for yearsssss! But at least for me, it is a long journey with happiness, sorrows, jealousy, insecure, trust, tears, laughter, faith, sweetness, and of course. Heaps of LOVE! Of course, there's moment when I feel like I've given and given until there is no more of myself to give, but there's one thing that I'll never forget. Love won't run out. God has an infinite amount of love for me and for me to pass on to others. Even at times when the well seems dry. God can send a flood. Let the flood of love wash over me and then drench everyone around me. Especially you. My love =) 
Let us always meet each other with smile.
For the smile is the beginning of Love.

Friday, December 7, 2012


I wanna disappear for a while.
I know it's not gonna happen cause I'm having internship now
anyone can see me everyday, anyhow.
But if I could.
Disappearing will be the first thing I'd do now.
Not replying any text messages,
Not updating any status on Facebook,
Not gonna tweet about anything,
Not sharing any videos,
Not updating my blog anymore,
Not going anywhere after work,
Everything remain the same,
just that I will deactivate myself by doing nothing.
This might help. No? =/
Sometimes I just wanna go disappear,
just to see if there's anyone that realize I'm no longer here.
And when I'm back,
I promise, I will be a better person,
with nicest and sweetest smile from the bottom of my heart =)

I just wanna throw my phone away
Find out who is really there for me =)